Leave Only Paw Prints® Blog
Here at Leave Only Paw Prints®, our values encompass more than just packing in and packing out. We take a holistic approach to dog travel. To protect our natural resources for the future enjoyment of all, we believe that dog parents must practice sustainability, properly train our pups, and stay aware of the potential dangers that nature presents—especially when we trek into new terrain. Here are some resources to help. You can also find downloadable resources on our downloads page.
Dog Training

Online Classes and Workshops
While we generally recommend taking in-person classes from a local trainer, SPCA or humane society, times like we are in sometimes call for us to turn our attention to the web. Here are some choices our editors discovered for you to check out.

For many, adventuring with furry family members is a way of life. Dogs need exercise, just like their people. Whether you think park access is a privilege or a right, we all need to protect that access by being good ambassadors. This starts by minimizing your dog’s impact on wildlife and the environment.
Dog Health and Safety

Dogs and Mushrooms Alert
It’s winter and the mushrooms are out in full force, often in our yards, parks and trails we hike with our pups. Many of these are deadly to dogs. We recommend that if your dog eats any type of wild mushroom, you need to seek immediate veterinary care, even if your dog is not showing symptoms.
Resources for Dog Parents

California has gone to the dogs and the humans who follow
Welcome to California, arguably the most dog-friendly state in the nation! We want to introduce you to DogTrekker.com, the trusted source for millions of California travelers who stay, play, hike, eat and explore with their four-legged family. DogTrekker.com is on a...